# simple-jsonrpc-js
+ Client and server.
+ Support websocket and http.
+ Full support json-rpc 2.0
## Installing
You can install this package either with
```bower install simple-jsonrpc-js``` *# on webclient*
```npm install simple-jsonrpc-js``` *# on nodejs*
## Usage
(over WebSocket) on server:
function add(x, y){
return x + y;
//over ws
var WebSocketServer = new require('ws');
var JsonRPC = require('simple-jsonrpc-js');
var webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer.Server({
host: '',
port: 8090
}).on('connection', function(ws) {
var jrpc = new JsonRPC();
ws.jrpc = jrpc;
ws.jrpc.toStream = function(message){
ws.on('message', function(message) {
jrpc.on('add', ['x', 'y'], add);
jrpc.on('mul', ['x', 'y'], function(x, y){
return x*y;
var item_id = 120;
jrpc.on('create', ['item', 'rewrite'], function(item, rewrite){
item_id ++;
item.id = item_id;
return item;
jrpc.call('view.setTitle', ["JSONRPC over ws"]);
And on client:
var jrpc = new simple_jsonrpc();
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8090");
//wait of call
jrpc.on('view.setTitle', function(title){
document.getElementsByClassName('title')[0].innerHTML = title;
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
jrpc.toStream = function(_msg){
socket.onerror = function(error) {
console.error("Error: " + error.message);
socket.onclose = function(event) {
if (event.wasClean) {
console.info('Connection close was clean');
} else {
console.error('Connection suddenly close');
console.info('close code : ' + event.code + ' reason: ' + event.reason);
//after connect
socket.onopen = function(){
jrpc.call('add', [2, 3]).then(function (result) {
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'add(2, 3) result: ' + result + '
jrpc.call('mul', {y: 3, x: 2}).then(function (result) {
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'mul(2, 3) result: ' + result + '
{call:{method: "add", params: [5,2]}},
{call:{method: "mul", params: [100, 200]}},
{call:{method: "create", params: {item: {foo: "bar"}, rewrite: true}}}
More examples in directory
## API
```call(methodName, params)``` - Remote method invocation. Returned `promise` object.
```notification(methodName, params)``` - Remote method invocation without response object
```batch(calls)``` - batch invocation. Returned `promise` object.
```on(methodName, paramsName, handler)``` - Registration local method for incommig invocation
```off(methodName)``` - disable method for incommig invocation
```customException(code, message, data)``` - return exception with implementation-defined server-errors
```messageHandler(rawMessage)``` - All incoming messages must be passed as a parameter. Returned `promise` object.
```toStream``` - The property, a function pointer. It is necessary to determine before use. Will be called for send a message to the remote host
## Dependecies
+ nodejs <= 4 || latest browser
+ lodash
+ [promise-polyfill](https://github.com/taylorhakes/promise-polyfill) for old versions nodejs and browsers
## Specification